martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Quijerema - documentales

Destaco en particular el de Villa Grimaldi. A continuación la descripción de esta iniciativa por sus autores (en inglés):

Villa Grimaldi: Archeology of Memory is an art-piece that includes: a musical suite, a book and a documentary film and a multimedia installation. The work is a creation of Chilean artist Quique Cruz (aka Claudio Duran). The work gathers the art and the experiences of six artists who were detained in one of the most infamous torture centers during the Chilean military dictatorship of Pinochet: Villa Grimaldi. For the past four years, Quique Cruz has been interviewing, photographing and filming a group of artists--poets, painters, writers, playwrights, musicians-- who have created a narrative in which they explore the contradictions of terror and aesthetics, the notion of pain and beauty and how to convert darkness into light.

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